MES requires cyber security
At noon on Friday, December 7th, 2018, Spiegel Online reported that KraussMaffei was hit by a serious cyber attack by a ransomware. What production manager wouldn’t think: ‘Can this happen to us too? With the right mix of different measures, plant managers can at least significantly reduce the risk.
There are a number of reasons why these attacks are so often successful, such as the numerous security holes in common software. Above all, however, manufacturing companies often lack an up-to-date assessment of such risks. In order to obtain such an assessment, the threat situation can first be examined by means of continuous cyber-risk management.
You can find the complete article here (German): MES benötigt Cybersicherheit, 04|2019
Published in IT & Produktion, issue 2019/20, TeDo Verlag, p. 52-54